Dimitri Vantomme

Dimitri Vantomme


  • Lawyer since 1997
  • Founder of Advantius
  • Holder of Certificate 'Cassation in criminal law'
  • Certified 'Salduz lawyer' (assistance during police interrogations)
  • Certified juvenile lawyer

Dimitri Vantomme graduated cum laude from the law faculty of the Royal University of Leuven in 1997 and founded the law firm in Wevelgem that same year.

Under his supervision, the office experienced steady growth. In the early years, he was able to combine his work as a lawyer with a position as an academic assistant at the campus of the University of Leuven in Kortrijk (1998 and 2000).

The office was expanded in 2002: a branch office was set up in Moeskroen for clients in the region of Aalbeke-Lauwe-Moeskroen. This extension was accompanied by a listing on the Tableau of Lawyers in Doornik.

In 2011, the main office was moved from Wevelgem to Kortrijk, within walking distance of the court houses.

Legal domains:

Dimitri Vantomme practices all general branches of law at the office, but has had a fondness for criminal law from the start of his career.

He acted as a criminal lawyer in more than 10 'Assises Court' cases, both for civil parties and for the defence.


- E-mail: dimitri@advantius.be

- VAT-number: 0817.478.881

- Bank account (fees): BE80 6301 3003 0377

- Third party bank account: BE77 6301 3504 1742

Dimitri Vantomme

8500 Kortrijk

Beheerstraat 44

ADVANTIUS BV - Mr. Dimitri Vantomme: 

VAT number:

Account (fees): BE74.3632.2300.9407

Third party account: BE41.6304.3033.5610
