Stéphane Heusequin

Stéphane Heusequin


  • Lawyer since 2017
  • Holder of Certificate 'Cassation in criminal law'

Stéphane Heusequin started his academic career by studying criminological sciences at Ghent University. During his university studies, he performed a three-month internship at the criminal court in Bruges.

He then continued his studies at law school. After a few wanderings abroad, he graduated in 2017 magna cum laude at Ghent University.

With his master's thesis "The freedom to discriminate? A philosophical and comparative legal analysis of anti-discrimination legislation in Belgium and the Netherlands", Stéphane Heusequin made the short list (top 5) of the Flemish Thesis Prize in 2017.

Legal domains:

In addition to the general areas of law, Stéphane Heusequin mainly handles the more 'technical' civil cases at the office, including tort law, contract law, corporate law, tenancy law, etc.


- E-mail:

- VAT number: 0681.589.405

- Bank account (fees): BE08 6301 5166 4613

- Third party account: BE 28 6301 5509 9120

Stéphane Heusequin

8500 Kortrijk

Beheerstraat 44

ADVANTIUS BV - Mr. Dimitri Vantomme: 

VAT number:

Account (fees): BE74.3632.2300.9407

Third party account: BE41.6304.3033.5610
